Thursday, 26 March 2015

God is working for you

"Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass" (Psa 37:5). Bring what to pass? God will bring to pass the thing that does you the most good and that brings Him the most glory. This is a good verse to memorize. No doubt there is something in your life you would like God to do. You've been thinking about it, dreaming about it and praying about it. If God is going to accomplish things for us and in us and through us, we must follow certain instructions.

First, we must commit our way to the Lord. This is a definite act of our will. We don't commit it to the Lord and then take it back, anymore than a farmer plants his seed and then keeps digging it up to see if it's growing! Committing our way to the Lord is an act of the will, an act of faith. We make our way His way, and we make His way our way.

Second, we must trust God. What does it mean to trust God? It means to believe His promises and to know that He is such a wonderful God that He always can be trusted. We trust people because of their good character or performance. God's character is perfect, and His record is perfect.

Third, we must wait on the Lord. When will He act? When He wants to. This is why David adds, "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him" (Psa 37:7). Martin Luther translated this, "Be silent to God, and let Him hold thee." I like that. Just rest in the Lord. Wait for Him. He's working in you and on you while He's working for you. Commit, trust and wait, and He will bring it to pass.

What would you like to see God do in your life? Start by aligning your will with His. Commit your way to Him, trust Him and wait on Him. God is working for you. In His time He will accomplish His work.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

A Commitment to Obey

We’ll all encounter times when there’s a direct conflict between God’s way and what is being asked of us. Perhaps the boss tells us to misrepresent the company’s product to customers. Or a friend may be pressuring us to join her in some risky behavior. Or family members may urge us to lie on their behalf. Saying no could bring loss, rejection, or even the end of a relationship. On the other hand, saying yes could compromise our testimony or break God’s commands.

Daniel faced such a dilemma. He and his three friends had a clear choice—to eat food prohibited by Scripture, or to refuse and incur the king’s wrath, imprisonment, or even death. Daniel showed great courage when he proposed a different eating plan (Dan. 1:12). His words and actions demonstrated his allegiance to the Lord.

Daniel and his friends were rewarded by God for their faith and commitment (v. 17). Despite their adverse circumstances, all four men confidently trusted in the Lord’s sovereign care for them.

Daniel’s choice resulted in royal favor. Jesus’ obedience led to the cross and glorification. Paul’s trust in Christ resulted in hardship. When we obey, the consequences may vary, but two things are always the same: Obedience glorifies our Father and pleases Him. What could be better than that?

God's Precious Gifts (Telugu)

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Resting in the Faithfulness of God

When plans are frustrated or life just seems to fall apart in some way, people often wonder, Has God deserted me? Why hasn't He answered my prayers? The Bible offers encouragement for such times by assuring us of the Father's faithfulness: "Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments" (Deut 7:9).

Five attributes of God make this possible.

First, He is omniscient, which means He knows everything, including our every need, thought, frailty, desire, and life situation in the past, present, and future.

Next, the Lord is omnipotent, or all-powerful, so nothing is too hard for Him (Jer. 32:17).

Then, He is omnipresent--since He exists everywhere at once, He is never beyond reach.

In addition, our heavenly Father cannot lie. Everything that He says is true and reliable.

And lastly, God is unchanging. Our circumstances and the world around us may seem to be in a constant state of flux, and the Lord may even modify the way He chooses to interact with mankind in different generations. But His character is always the same. So when Scripture tells us that God is faithful, we can rest confidently upon that promise.

                     Circumstances can be painful. But even when situations seem overwhelming, believers can trust that our sovereign Lord knows all, is in control, and lovingly works everything for His children's good. We can rest confidently knowing that the unchanging God of all creation is taking care of us.