Thursday 19 September 2013

Daily Devotional

 What does the Bible say should be response to Jesus' return?

1) Don’t try to guess the hour of His return:-      Acts 1:6-7 tells us that we will not know the exact time of His return. It will come unannounced. Unfortunately, many people won’t be ready for it. The Bible says no one will ever be able to know the exact time of Jesus’ return. Ignore any “experts” who claim to have figured out the date.

2) Long for His appearing:- 2 Timothy 4:8 confirms that it will be an incredibly good day for all of those who love Jesus. It is good to want this day to come soon.

3) Get rid of rebellion:-   2 Peter 3:10-13 describes the intensity of that day and how we are to be prepared now by living a pure and holy life. May Jesus find us faithful when He returns.

4) Be aware of the signs of the times:-   In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus gave several warnings and prophecies about the end times. Don’t be naive, pay attention to what is happening in the world.

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