Sunday 3 November 2013

Lessons from Gideon (Judges 6,7)

Through the story of Gideon, the Lord teaches us five lessons:

A. Don’t underestimate what God can do in and through you. He can use anyone and anything to accomplish His purposes. When we walk obediently with Him, His power and presence assure our victory.

B. God will always be with you in whatever He’s called you to do. You may feel helpless and inadequate, but you’re never alone because the Lord will never leave or forsake you (Heb. 13:5).

C. The Lord is ready to give you assurance when you doubt Him. He’ll work in your situation in a way that reinforces your trust in Him.

D. His ways are often surprising and challenging, but they’re always the best and the most successful. The Lord may ask you to do something that seems totally unreasonable, but success is guaranteed because God is the one who gave the assignment.

E. The Lord always works in a way that exalts and glorifies Him. If you’re willing to die to yourself and surrender to God, He will powerfully display Himself through you by accomplishing more in your life than you ever expected.

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