Tuesday 13 May 2014

Worship God alone

From the Old Testament in the Garden of Eden through today, and to the end of time, God says to all peoples: "Get away from the worship of this world!" Don't lay up treasures that when you leave home you are afraid something might happen to them. Don't have so many possessions that you cannot sleep if you forget to turn on the burglar alarm. Don't have so much stuff that you cut your vacation short because you have to get back to protect it. The care of riches is covetousness and idolatry. So the Lord says, "Give it to Me!"

Anything can be worshiped. Worship, simply stated, is "anything which captivates and draws us toward itself." Here are the most common examples plus questions to help you evaluate whether or not you worship something other than God.

Work Worshipers: These are workaholics who are so captivated by work that they are irresistibly drawn to work all the time. Can you give up your career and your goals in your field to the Lord if He calls you to change directions for Him?

Escape Worshipers: These persons want to escape reality by worshiping the effects of alcohol or drugs, and thus they become alcoholics or drug addicts. Can you completely stop taking whatever substances help you escape reality, and give your life to the Lord? If not, you worship the effects that substance gives you. The Lord says, "You cannot worship both that and Me."

Pleasure Worshipers: These may worship pleasure in the sensual realm, and thus become sex addicts, perverts, or burn with adulterous lust. Can you completely end all selfish sensual pleasure pursuits-pornography, fornication, sodomy, and adultery-and repentantly give those desires to the Lord to deal with in His perfect time and way?

Wealth Worshipers: These persons are drawn by the allurements of wealth and possessions. They may become like the materialistic, greedy, and selfish rich fool Jesus spoke of -one who only planned for prosperity, eating, drinking, and enjoying life. Can you completely give up your money, security, and power into the Lord's control? We cannot keep anything that we grasp onto-only what we give away will last forever.

Self Worshipers: These are drawn to the praise of man, and thus they are proud, inward-seeking, calloused, and unfeeling self-centered persons. Can you give up your pride, self-seeking, self-absorption, and self-focus to humble yourself, deny yourself, and take up your cross to follow Jesus?

The ultimate test of whether or not you worship something other than God is quite simple: Can you give it up today? When nothing satisfies you--you are on dangerous ground!

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