Friday 12 August 2016

Notes from Ecc 5

G. Religion, Chapter 5:1-8
Religion has damned the world more than any other thing. Look what the pagan religions did for peoples in the past. Look at India, China, and the Muslim world. Look at the Roman Catholic world. Look at liberal Protestantism. Multitudes have joined churches since World War II to get away from God and from establishing a personal relationship to Christ.
v. 1 — Be religious and go to church, but have as little to do with it as possible.
v. 2 — Do not make any decision under stress of emotion. Cry at the movies, but not in church. Don’t sign a pledge; don’t agree to accept an office.
vv. 4-6 — God has a great deal to say about the importance He attaches to vows (see author’s book, Learning Through Leviticus, chapter 27).
v. 7 — Dreams and words are no substitute for a personal relationship with God.
v. 8 — A Christian should be involved in a poverty program.

 H. Wealth, Chapters 5:9 — 6:12
v. 10 — Wealth is not wrong in itself. It is the love of money that is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10). To accumulate wealth for wealth’s sake is wrong. The miser thinks dollars are flat so they can
be stacked; the spendthrift thinks they are round so they can be rolled.
v. 12 — The poor man is often happier than the rich man.

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