Friday 12 August 2016

Notes from Ecc 7

I. Morality (the “good life”), Chapters 7:1 — 12:12
The do-gooder, going down the middle of the road on the freeway of life. Babbit on Main Street in the Big City, doing business under a neon sign, but living in suburbia in a sedate, secluded, and exclusive neighborhood, taking it easy.

Chapter 7
v. 1 — A good reputation and a long eulogy at the funeral is the summum bonum of life.
v. 2 — From the knife and fork club to the funeral service, all is done in a dignified manner.
v. 3 — Laughing all the way to the cemetery.
v. 4 — Living in the presence of death.
vv. 5-29 — Take it easy; walk softly; don’t be extreme; avoid the left and the right; go down the middle; compromise; don’t fight — switch.

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