Saturday 20 August 2016

Notes from Ecc 9

 Man’s wrong conclusions and pseudo-philosophy due to his ignorance, prejudice, and false premises. “Under the sun” occurs four times in this chapter.
vv. 1, 2 — All will arrive at the same place. All will eventually be saved.
v. 3 — Death brings about total integration. All are equal.
v. 4 — While there is life, there is hope.
v. 5 — This does not teach soul sleep. He is speaking only of the
body (see v. 10).
v. 9 — They lived happily ever after.
v. 10 — This is a clear reference to the body. “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,” do it now, for it cannot be done in the grave. The hand belongs to the body, not to the soul. It is the body that is put to
sleep in the grave; it is the body that is raised (see notes on 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). The spirit or soul goes to God (see Ecclesiastes12:7).
vv. 11, 12 — Life is a matter of luck or a game of chance.

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