Saturday 6 August 2016

Notes from Ecclesiastes 3

E. Fatalism, Chapter 3:1-15
vv. 1-8 — Too often men attempt to draw some Christian truth from these verses. However, this is the rawest kind of pagan fatalism. If this were true, man would be no better than a robot, zombie, computer, machine or any other push-button gadget. This type of thinking allows no room for the free will of man and the operation of the grace and mercy of God. Even the time of death can be changed (see Exodus 32:10 and Isaiah 38).
v. 11 — God has let man put the world in his heart so that he might see that the world does not satisfy — his heart is still empty.
v. 14 — Although God’s will is primary, fatalism leaves no place for His mercy and grace. God answers prayer.

F. Egoism, Chapters 3:16 — 4:16
(Excessive love of self. Individual self-interest is the summum bonum of life.)
Chapter 3
v. 16 — All men are wicked. You can’t trust anyone. This is a cynical view of the human race, but it is reasonably accurate.
vv. 18, 19 — This view does not accept the optimist’s conclusions. Evolution says that man was a beast. Egoism says that man is a beast. This view causes the individual to despise others. It has produced the caste and class systems in all the countries of the world.
v. 20 — He is speaking only of the body. Even Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the soul sleeps, not that it turns to dust.
v. 21 — Man is different from the beast.
v. 22 — The only thing worthwhile is for man to identify himself with his own works. This is the ancient version of the hippy and yippy philosophy.

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