Saturday, 20 August 2016

Notes from Song of Solomon 2

vv. 1-7 — A love scene in the palace.
v. 1 — The bride speaks of herself. She is not boasting, but compares herself to the lowly and humble flowers of that land.
v. 2 — The bridegroom contrasts the lily with the thorns to reveal his love for her.
vv. 3-7 — The bride speaks of her love for the bridegroom. Any relationship of the believer to Christ must rest upon His love for the believer and the believer’s love for Him.
vv. 8-17 — The return of the bridegroom after a trip abroad. The bride’s happy anticipation of his return should be the attitude of the believer toward the return of Christ.
v. 8 — “The voice” of the bridegroom is heard first (John 5:25; 1 Thessalonians 4:16).
v. 13 — “Fig tree” suggests the nation Israel.
v. 16 — This is the highest spiritual expression of any relationship with Christ. It is the high note of the Rapture, the catching up of the believer to be with Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). This section
puts into the lovely language of poetry the meaning of the Rapture. Read it again and again, and memorize it.