Saturday, 25 March 2017

Notes from Ezekiel 20

In this chapter,

I. The prophet is consulted by some of the elders of Israel (v. 1).
II. He is instructed by his God what answer to give them. He must,
1. Signify God's displeasure against them (v. 2, 3). And,
2. He must show them what just cause he had for that displeasure, by giving them a history of God's grateful dealings with their fathers and their treacherous dealings with God.
(1.) In Egypt (v. 5-9).
(2.) In the wilderness (v. 10-26).
(3.) In Canaan (v. 27-32).
3. He must denounce the judgments of God against them (v. 33-36).
4. He must tell them likewise what mercy God had in store for them, when he would bring a remnant of them to repentance, re-establish them in their own land, and set up his sanctuary among them again (v. 37-44).
5. Here is another word dropped towards Jerusalem, which is explained and enlarged upon in the next chapter (v. 45-49).

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