Monday 28 August 2017

Notes from Genesis 16

Hagar is the person mostly concerned in the story of this chapter, an obscure Egyptian woman, whose name and story we never should have heard of if Providence had not brought her into the family of Abram. Probably she was one of those maid-servants whom the king of Egypt, among other gifts, bestowed upon Abram (ch. 12:16). Concerning her, we have four things in this chapter:-

I. Her marriage to Abram her master (v. 1-3).
II. Her misbehaviour towards Sarai her mistress (v. 4-6).
III. Her discourse with an angel that met her in her flight (v. 7-14).
IV. Her delivery of a son (v. 15, 16).


  1. I'm currently reading the Bible for the first time from beginning to end. I've dipped in and out of it all of my life but you can't beat reading it all the way through. (I'm just about to begin Jeremiah.) The book of Genesis is an amazing book in and by itself: so many different types of genres and styles. It is so epic, so poetic, so subtle and so direct. I took away from it that God is not a God of slavery, but one who sets you free. The freedom of God is a great way of discovering who God is, especially so that the commandments are put in a context: it is a "Do This" so you may live long and prosper. My blog is all about that love of freedom.
