Friday 29 September 2017

Notes from Genesis 25

The sacred historian, in this chapter,

I. Takes his leave of Abraham, with an account,
1. Of his children by another wife (v. 1-4).
2. Of his last will and testament (v. 5, 6).
3. Of his age, death, and burial (v. 7-10).
II. He takes his leave of Ishmael, with a short account,
1. Of his children (v. 12-16).
2. Of his age and death (v. 17, 18).
III. He enters upon the history of Isaac.
1. His prosperity (v. 11).
2. The conception and birth of his two sons, with the oracle of God concerning them (v. 19-26).
3. Their different characters (v. 27, 28).
4. Esau's selling his birthright to Jacob (v. 29-34).

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