Friday 29 September 2017

Notes from Genesis 33

We read, in the former chapter, how Jacob had power with God, and prevailed; here we find what power he had with men too, and how his brother Esau was mollified, and, on a sudden, reconciled to him; for so it is written, Prov. 16:7, "When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.' Here is,

I. A very friendly meeting between Jacob and Esau (v. 1-4).
II. Their conference at their meeting, in which they vie with each other in civil and kind expressions. Their discourse is
1. About Jacob's family (v. 5-7).
2. About the present he had sent (v. 8-11).
3. About the progress of their journey (v. 12-15).
III. Jacob's settlement in Canaan, his house, ground, and altar (v. 16-20).

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