Friday 29 September 2017

Notes from Genesis 35

In this chapter we have three communions and three funerals.

I. Three communions between God and Jacob.
1. God ordered Jacob to Beth-el; and, in obedience to that order, he purged his house of idols, and prepared for that journey (v. 1-5).
2. Jacob built an altar at Beth-el, to the honour of God that had appeared to him, and in performance of his vow (v. 6, 7).
3. God appeared to him again, and confirmed the change of his name and covenant with him (v. 9-13), of which appearance Jacob made a grateful acknowledgment (v. 14, 15).
II. Three funerals.
1. Deborah's (v. 8).
2. Rachel's (v. 16-20).
3. Isaac's (v. 27-29). Here is also Rueben's incest (v. 22), and an account of Jacob's sons (v. 23-26).

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