Sunday 10 December 2017

Notes from Exodus 22

The laws of this chapter relate,

I. To the eighth commandment, concerning theft (v. 1-4), trespass by cattle (v. 5), damage by fire (v. 6), trusts (v. 7-13), borrowing cattle (v. 14, 15), or money (v. 25-27).
II. To the seventh commandment. Against fornication (v. 16, 17), bestiality (v. 19).
III. To the first table, forbidding witchcraft (v. 18), idolatry (v. 20). Commanding to offer the firstfruits (v. 29, 30).
IV. To the poor (v. 21-24).
V. To the civil government (v. 28).
VI. To the peculiarity of the Jewish nation (v. 31).

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