Tuesday 13 February 2018

notes from Num 21

The armies of Israel now begin to emerge out of the wilderness, and to come into a land inhabited, to enter upon action, and take possession of the frontiers of the land of promise. A glorious campaign this chapter gives us the history of, especially in the latter part of it. Here is,

I. The defeat of Arad the Canaanite (v. 1-3).
II. The chastisement of the people with fiery serpents for their murmurings, and the relief granted them upon their submission by a brazen serpent (v. 4-9).
III. Several marches forward, and some occurrences by the way (v. 10-20).
IV. The celebrated conquest of Sihon king of the Amorites (v. 21-32), and of Og king of Bashan (v. 33-35), and possession taken of their land.

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