Saturday 21 April 2018

Notes from Deut 29

The first words of this chapter are the contents of it, "These are the words of the covenant' (v. 1), that is, these that follow. Here is,

I. A recital of God's dealings with them, in order to the bringing of them into this covenant (v. 2-8).
II. A solemn charge to them to keep the covenant (v. 9).
III. An abstract of the covenant itself (v. 12, 13).
IV. A specification of the persons taken into the covenant (v. 10, 11, 14, 15).
V. An intimation of the great design of this covenant against idolatry, in a parenthesis (v. 16, 17).
VI. A most solemn and dreadful denunciation of the wrath of God against such persons as promise themselves peace in a sinful way (v. 18-28).
VII. The conclusion of this treaty, with a distinction between things secret and things revealed (v. 29).

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