Tuesday 9 April 2019

God's Hard plans

 Job 25:5-6 The Bible tells the stories of people who do not get well, who do not quickly get over their problems, who do not easily move through the trials of life. The heroes of this book fail, fall, and hurt. Sometimes, on occasion, they succeed.

God doesn’t have a “wonderful plan” for everybody’s life—at least in this life. For some, His plan allows pain and heartbreak and brokenness. For some, His plan is saying no to the things they most long for.

But we don’t like that. At times, we even refuse to accept it. Some of us will go so far as to say, “If you believe that, you lack faith.” I say, if you believe that, you believe the Bible. Our assignment is to trust God’s plans and to obediently follow wherever He leads.  (Source: SSB)

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