Wednesday 29 June 2016

Another warning about immoral women (Proverbs 7)

Although this advice is directed toward young men, young women should heed it as well. The person who has no purpose in life is naive (7:7). Without aim or direction, an empty life is unstable, vulnerable to many temptations. Even though the young man in this passage doesn't know where he is going, the immoral woman knows where she wants him. Notice her strategies: She is dressed to allure men (:10); her approach is bold (:13); she invites him over to her place (:16-18); she cunningly answers his every objection (:19,20); she persuades him with smooth talk (:21) she traps him (:23). To combat temptation make sure your life is full of God's Word and wisdom (:4)
Recognise the strategies of temptation, and run away from them - fast.

You can take definite steps to avoid sexual sins. 
First, guard your mind. Don't read books, look at pictures, or encourage fantasies that stimulate the wrong desires. 
Second, keep away from setting and friends that tempt you to sin.
Third, don't think only of the moment - focus on the future. Today's thrill may lead to tomorrow's ruin.

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