Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Notes from Isaiah 38

This chapter proceeds in the history of Hezekiah.
Here is,
I. His sickness, and the sentence of death he received within himself (v. 1).
II. His prayer in his sickness (v. 2, v. 3).
III. The answer of peace which God gave to that prayer, assuring him that he should recover, that he should live fifteen years yet, that Jerusalem should be delivered from the king of Assyria, and that, for a sign to confirm his faith herein, the sun should go back ten degrees (v. 4-8). And this we read and opened before, 2 Ki. 20:1 , etc. But,
IV. Here is Hezekiah’s thanksgiving for his recovery, which we had not before (v. 9-20). To which are added the means used (v. 21), and the end the good man aimed at in desiring to recover (v. 22).

This is a chapter which will entertain the thoughts, direct the devotions, and encourage the faith and hopes of those that are confined by bodily distempers; it visits those that are visited with sickness.

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