Monday 24 July 2017

Notes from Amos 7

In this chapter we have,

I. God contending with Israel, by the judgments brought on their land.
1. They are threatened with less judgments, but are reprieved, and the judgments turned away at the prayer of Amos (v. 1-6).
2. God's patience is at length worn out by their obstinacy, and they are rejected, and sentenced to utter ruin (v. 7-9).
II. Israel contending with God, by the opposition given to his prophet.
1. Amaziah informs against Amos (v. 10, 11) and does what he can to rid the country of him as a public nuisance (v. 12, 13).
2. Amos justifies himself in what he did as a prophet (v. 14, 15) and denounces the judgments of God against Amaziah his prosecutor (v. 16, 17); for, when the contest is between God and man, it is easy to foresee, it is very easy to foretel, who will come off with the worst of it.

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