Monday 24 July 2017

Notes from Amos 8

Sinful times are here attended with sorrowful times, so necessary is the connexion between them; it is threatened here again and again that the laughter shall be turned into mourning.

I. By the vision of "basket of summer-fruit' is signified the hastening on of the ruin threatened (v. 1-3) and that shall change their note.
II. Oppressors are here called to an account for their abusing the poor; and their destruction is foretold, which will set them a mourning (v. 4-10).
III. A famine of the word of God is here made the punishment of a people that go a whoring after other gods (v. 11-14); yet for this, which is the most mournful judgment of all, they are not here brought in mourning.

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