Wednesday 23 March 2016

An unceasing Prayer (Notes from Psalm 88)

In this psalm, God is revealed as :
  God of salvation (:1)
  God who works wonders 
  Worthy to be praised (:10)
  God with lovingkindness and faithfulness(:11)
  Righteous God (:12)

Person cut off from God's hand will be in :
  the grave, in the place of destruction, in the dark, in the place of forgetfulness.(:11,12)

Sin separates us from God. The Blood of Lord Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sins. Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb ?

Circumstances of the psalmist:
   Soul full of troubles, life draws near to grave, (:3)
   laid in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the depths.(:6)
   under God's wrath, afflicted (:7)
   alone (:8,18)
Response of the Psalmist :
  cried  out God day and night before God (:1)
  called daily upon God 
  stretched out his hands to God (:9)
  in the morning his prayer comes before God (:13)

His prayer was:
  Lord, why do You cast off my soul? Why do You hide Your face from me? (:14)

The psalmist expresses his desire to be adhered by God and to seek His face. May the same be ours too.

-  David Nallapu (Evangelist, Missionary - AGAPE Ministries Intl.)

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